Learning Resource System

   LRC Learning Resources

For questions about these Courses, please contact the Student Services Department ( studentservices@stanbridge.edu )

Use the Buttons above for help with:

Time Management

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the school/work/life balance?

Study Skills

Do you need to learn how to study more efficiently and effectively, and get all you can out of your textbook?

Test-Taking Strategies

Do you feel like you know the material and have studied hard, but your test scores do not reflect how much you have studied?

Reading and Note-Taking Skills

Do you struggle with taking notes in class or while reading? Do you have a hard time staying focused when you listen or read? Check out these materials for some helpful strategies!

For additional information on the LRC Courses offered, please contact the Student Services Office at: studentservices@stanbridge.edu

Individual Peer Tutoring

The Learning Resource Center is now offering individual and group peer tutoring for ADN, AVN, BSN, LVN, MSOT, OTA, PTA, and RVT students. Click this link to view open slots for tutoring.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Services at peertutoring@stanbridge.edu  

Online Courses

In addition to the information on these pages, online courses are available on the following four topics:

  • Time management
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Study skills
  • Reading and note-taking

If you are struggling in one of these areas and would like to take one of these online courses, please contact your Student Services Officer.